Last night I watched the president deliver a speech in which he spoke to Americans as if we are adults. Bravo.
Then the
Phucks thought they could counter Obama's speech with the dumbest bucket of shit evah! Jindal delivered his talking points in a manner reminiscent of the late Fred Rogers. (I apologize to Mister Rogers' neighborhood, family and friends for the comparison - Fred was actually talking to pre-schoolers and so he had a reason to use that tone and slow talk.)
I realized that if Jindal is the cream of the crop, the rising star of the GOP.. then they are beyond contempt and fall under the category of pathetic dumb asses. It is easy to hate them, they so deserve it. Turning down federal dollars to help rebuild the state which was so badly damaged during Hurricane Katrina just to make a political point is so stupid that in my opinion Jindal should be impeached. But it is the people of LA who will pay the price. There are a lot of people there who voted for Obama and who desperately want change who aint goin' ta get change but who will be treated like naughty children and punished by a fuckwit-asshat-horseshit-on-a-stick "rising star" of a governor who is using the State of Louisiana as a political tool.
I loath them. They can not grasp the import of spending money on a high speed rail system - Jindal mocked the stimulus plan by acting as if magnetic levitation is some kind of voodoo science, too difficult for their pea-brains to grasp.... The same science behind high speed rail systems across the globe... I really can't stand them... The
Phucks do not have a clue.
Maglev rail in Shanghai: