What happened to 'fiscal conservatism'?via HuffPost:
Reid: Congressional Budget Increased To Pay GOP StaffersFebruary 25, 2009 12:04 PM
More than 2,000 employers laid off more than 50 workers each in January, the Labor Department reported Wednesday.
One workplace, however, wasn't on the list: the U.S. Congress.
A ten percent increase in the budget for Congressional operations was needed because Senate Republicans wanted to retain previous staff levels despite having lost roughly 20 percent of their ranks in the 2008 elections, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said Wednesday.
Congressional Republicans have been pouncing on any instance of wasteful spending they can find, but the congressional-operations line item will likely remain safe from their ire.
The one-tenth hike brings the budget for Congress itself to $4.4 billion.
Reid, asked about the increase at a press conference, initially dodged the question, speaking instead about spending in general.
The unsatisfied reporter repeated the question about a ten percent raise for the congressional budget. "How is that going to help get out of the depression?" she pressed. .......(more)
The complete piece is at: