Some countries like Germany have pulled down their walls between Eastern and Western Germany. The great wall of China is now a tourist destination.
Here in the US we are building them, and then literally overnight at that, without any regard to the environment, wildlife corridors, or the social connections that bind us to our neighbors. The NWO is pressing full steam ahead under the cover of protecting our liberties when in reality they are taking them away. Our Nation is turning to hate, fear, and isolation. This is wrong. America: “Home of the Free and Home of the Brave,” is tragically becoming Home of the Enslaved and Home of the Scared.
Is this really how we want to treat the environment, and is this really how we want to live? I don't think so. Yet our Government has its ears plugged purposefully. They do not want to hear us anymore and really could care less what we think, especially on this issue.
I talked with John Fanestil just yesterday (2-22-09) at church. I told him “You make me very proud John. You are very brave. It is not right for our Government to do this and to act this way.” He knows. And he knows more than I do.
There is an iconic image that was printed in the San Diego “Onion,” I mean the Union on Sunday (2-22), which just speaks to the idea of a peace-loving Methodist minister facing down the NWO while serving communion (at the very end of this post). I'm very surprised that the SD Union printed it, very surprised. I am really proud of my friend John, very proud. He is doing it and not just talking about it.
Friendship Park: A Place of Communion or a Zone of Enforcement?
By John Fanestil Meeting place sealed off
Border patrol agents prohibit access to Friendship Park
By Penni Crabtree
Union-Tribune Staff Writer
2:00 a.m. February 22, 2009 Beloved parts of U.S./Mexican border changed almost overnight
The Associated Press
Friday, February 20th 2009, 4:00 AM This is not a good fence and this does not improve relations with our neighbors . . .
This fence is environmentally and ecologically destructive. It stops wildlife from moving freely back and forth. It looks incredibly hideous. Geologically speaking it is already gone. It will cost enormous amounts of money to maintain. The winds of time will continue to blow and drift and pile sand onto the fence, and then you would be able to just simply walk across again anyway. They will have to constantly pull the sand away from the fence at a huge taxpayers’ expense. Why do this? Why not lock arms in arms and hire millions of border patrol and HLS agents and stretch across the US/Mexico border, and create jobs than do this? At least they could step aside and let wildlife through and let the sands blow as they will. The expenses of this fence are outrageous, and guess who gets the contracts, those companies in the GOP back pockets. This is an utter boondoggle of a venture: environmentally, esthically, ethically, it is immoral, it is profiteering built upon diminishing our Constitution and taking away our Freedoms, and in the long run it won't work.
"They hate us for our freedoms."
Actually that defines our NWO government more than any foreigner. We have gone through hell with the GOP Neocons, and now possibly the New Boss is the same as the Old Boss (?) Time will tell very soon. I hope Obama isn't. I voted for "Change I Can Believe In." If we don't get it, then I will dissent just as well.
Here is a very good film that addresses the issues fairly well. This film is a few weeks old, prior to this past Saturday crack down where my friend John Fanestil a Methodist minister was detained by HLS/Border Patrol agents for wanting to serve Communion as he has done many times before at Friendship Park. Many on the other side of the fence know John, look forward to seeing him and come here for that purpose. It is a ministry, and to also push the social ill issues regarding the border and the border fence into the public conscience.
When he was detained, the Border Patrol/HLS agent told the other officers to just detain him and move him away, but do not arrest him. Why? Because they did not want to arrest a man of faith who only wanted to serve communion to worshipers, with all the TV cameras watching. The agent pointing at John said this. So you think they have an agenda and know the implications of arresting a man of clothe in the USA would blow-up in their face? You bet they do and it would. It already has.
A film: One Sunday at Friendship Park Turns out that "Friendship Park" was established by Pat Nixon for the sole purpose to allow people and families to communicate through the fence as a means to further peace, understanding, and to help families who are separated for many different valid reasons, where going through the border crossing was, and is now not an option for many different legal reasons. So why can't this continue under the watchful eyes of Border Patrol agents? Why build a 3 layer “no-man zone” like Western and Eastern Germany or that separates S. and N. Korea? This border fence is over kill both environmentally and socially, not to mention the message of fear and hate it clearly demonstrates.
Sad, sad, sad, sooo very sad.
Here is a wonderful series of images in an album regarding the issue.
Are these people violent? Are they scoff-laws? Hardly. They are people who recognize that erecting walls between nations, especially those countries whom we are allies and friends with, is utterly and entirely wrong.
Images 1 - 54: Should we do the same with Canada? Should we build a 3 layer demilitarized zone from shining sea to shining sea, and devastate that wilderness and alienate our other allie also?
Welcome to AMERIKA!
Is this the kind of country we want? I don't think so.