Edited on Thu Feb-26-09 08:26 AM by HughBeaumont
One, their ace-in-the-hole name brand "Bush" is MUD. See, Repukes like brand names. They like actors. They like oilmen. They like the familiar. Someone asked the question "Name the last Republican to win an election without the names Bush or Nixon on the ticket". The answer would be Herbert Hoover. Just like any drug, even brand names are hard to wean yourself off of. America made 2000 and 2004 close enough to steal because they were trained to hate anything associated with the name "Clinton", they like folksiness and the fact that it was packaged in a familiar name was good enough for some of them.
Thanks to Bewsh's Know-nothing antics and whiskey-addled steering, the brand went sour and lost its flavor. Now the notion of putting another Bewsh in the White House is unthinkable. It's akin to putting the Grim Reaper or Mussolini in high office.
Which leads to point 2 and that would be the cavalcade of clowns on their side, peddling the same old bullshit which didn't work the first, second or 23rd time it was attempted. I mean, who do they got? Witness the Jindal speech: not even the corporate-controlled media wanted anything to do with this shitbomb. It tanked like a sumbitch even in the confines of their own party. And then there's the Half-Baked Alaskan, who's becoming more of a Tonya Harding-level tabloid comedy act than a serious candidate to challenge what could be one of the greatest leaders this century has seen. The remainder of their white male candidates are a whole lotta oldster loons, racists, fundamentalpatients, turncoats and flat-out whackjobs.
There ain't no Eisenhowers among the modern conservative party. In the last election they were forced to run a 72-year-old Bewsh asskisser grouch and Sarah Palin. But then again, 57 million people voted for them.
Point Three is their message. The only reason they're getting away with spewing the Friedman economic quackery is because they, by and large, still control the airwaves. That isn't changing. America has seen this plan in action and it smells. At this point, they're relying on the Rovian strategery of "Tell a lie often enough and it becomes the truth". As I look behind me at the CNBC, there's their favorite Kay Bailey Hutchison. The next hour it will be John Ensign or Steve Forbes or Rich Shelby. It's a parade of bullshit artists being given the keys to the idiot box kingdom.
I'd like to think that the new generation isn't as dumb or as easily led by the nose as we were. At least many of the more easily duped young'uns are so disillusioned with the modern Republican that they're becoming Libertarians, which will only help our side.