Nick at Noon
Many european country have going that way, when the banks them self have going haywire and almost broke.. After 1987-89 the government in Norway nationalized most large banks in Norway, and fired most of the leaders, and had to spend a lot of tax payers money to save their sorry ass because the economy more or less was in ruins after the feast in the 1980s when everyone believed the sky to be the limit - many believed that then.. But for the most part, after the economical meltdown was over, every banks was privatized over time. Off course the stockholders was loosing money.. In Norway they lost most of the value because the government just say, that a stock is 0 worth, and the banks have to Prof for them self that they are capable of surviving economic... Today we have a strong, healthy bank industry, who are regulated (more or less, but compared to 20 year ago, the banks is pretty well on their own to decide what to do) And even in the economical meltdown, who have hit Norway too, the economy is pretty strong still, and it more or less impossible to believe that our bank system Will go the same way as Iceland did.... Because our economy is strong... And for the most part, the banks in Norway tend to be safe when they lend out money.. Off course the last decade and the meltdown have hit our economy hard too. But compared to many other country, it looks like our "communist light" policy when come to economy is doing it right - one of your own claimed Norway to be Little communist light:P: Even that I had not the time to take on him about that, it is interesting that many believe that - even that 60 percent of our economy are in private hands.. The government do have a hand in large parts of our economical life, a thing that is old, not just since the War, but long before thatt..
Off course, it is Difficult to nationalize the bank system in US. But at the look at it, is is maybe the only way to save the economical sector in the US for the moment.. It is ironic when even hard liners "free marketeers" are talking about the blessing for nationalized bank systems... But I am not sure this is the right thing to do for the US then... But something have to give, and I believe US Will experience a lot more direct government control in economy the next couple of decades than before..