It's hard to escape the fact that, these days, when you get profoundly sick and tired of politics,.. when what's happening isn't consistent with what you're being told (or seeing for yourself, thank you),.. well, there just isn't much you can do about it. Except rage and recriminate,.. maybe get drunk and put on something baroque,... maybe go fishing. Unanswered questions have a way of gnawing at one's sensibilities, eh? I've given up on the question, "Just who is really driving the bus?" The political industry could not survive a truthful answer.
Okay,... here's another question. (more apologies,.. this time to John Lennon) "Imagine there was no government, or no parties" .... and you had to cobble one together right quick. Whom would you invite? There are lots of really good answers to this question, so I'm not pushing my own hastily-contrived list. But hopefully it's worthwhile food for thought..... (It also demolishes the notion that we have anything remotely approaching "choice" in our system.)
My Dream Team,... no particular order,.... no particular job titles, for that matter. But I'd want these people in MY cabinet.
Since government is rumored to revolve around LAW, I'd like to see John Dean somewhere in that top capacity. I read his column.
Military? Jim Webb gets high marks for brains, enlightenment and ordinary decency, plus he has experience. Add the WP's Dana Priest for her dogged (and Pulitzer Prize-winning) reporting on crooked intel reporting, black site rendition, etc. Gotta keep things honest.
Science & Technology? This one's easy. Burt Rutan is my man,... he of the amazing airplanes and private space program. The guy is a unique blend of scientific ability and business acumen. He Gets Things Done. Let's help him out with Prof. Wallace S. Broecker, geochemist at Columbia, and this year's winner of the Frontiers of Knowledge award. His main field is the interaction between oceans and atmosphere,.. a hot topic these days. And I'm betting he knows a lot more.
Medicene and Health Care? Especially Universal Health Care. How about another platoon of Drs. John Battista and Justine McCabe of the Connecticut Coalition for Universal Health Care? They've done more work and advocated more than anyone else,... with the possible exception of Dr. Steven Jonas of Stony Brook University in NY,.... so let's add him to the platoon.
Economics? How about Paul Krugman? He could set his Nobel Prize on his desk to intimidate irate Wall Street financiers. He might want the help of another Paul,... namely Paul Craig Roberts,.. a Rep,... former ass't treasury sec,... and WSJ writer... who became Bush's most voluable critic. Called W. a nazi. I liked that,... plus the guy can write and speak like a pro.
I must admit, I don't know what "cabinet post" this next selection might suggest,... but three guys whom I'd like to see contributing their creative energies to the overall ship of state,.... Stephen Spielberg,... Ken Burns,... Garrison Keillor. Let them write their own job descriptions.
And I guess someone has to sort of ride herd on this gathering,... and I'm hardly saying that President Obama is not ideal for the job,.... But a sentimental favorite, and one with a proven track record of success,... including success at remaining calm and focused while managing a group of talented individuals having widely varying abilities,..... Terry Francona, Manager of the Boston Red Sox.
I submit that my group could handle the job.