At the beginning of 1983, after Reagan's tax cuts failed to get us out of the recession, he came back with tax increases and signed a big stimulus bill. I was curious what his stimulus bill included and found the following:
Syracuse Herald-Journal - March 25, 1983
$4.6 Billion Jobs Measure Signed by Marueen Santini, AP Writer
Washington - President Reagan has signed into law a bill that gives a $4.6 Billion booster shot to the economy in public works projects and provides additional billions urgently needed by more than half the states to continue paying unemployment benefits.
The House gave final congressional approval to the anti-recession legislation late yesterday and the president signed it shortly after it arrived at the White House, about 9:30p.m.
With many congressmen eager to leave town for a 10-day Easter recess, there was no formal signing ceremony.
Although the major focus of the bill is to create jobs, it also contains a $5 billion emergency supplemental appropriateion to replenish a special fund from 27 states and the District of Columbia are borrowing to meet their unemployment compensation payments.
"We've absolutely run out of money." Jack Hashtan of the Labor Department's Employment and Training Administration said yesterday.
The recession-relief portion of the bill contains a provision ensuring that about $2 billion of the money will go to areas hardest hit by the recession.
The measure also provides about $325 million in food and shelter for victims of the longest recession since World War II, as well as several hundred million dollars more for social programs.
It contains $1 billion in Community Development Block Grants to local governments, of which $375 million may pay for public service jobs. that was pushed by women's groups concerned that men would benefit from the public works money in the bill.
Most of the rest of the money will be used for a variety of construction projects, including flood control, highways, Veterans Administration hospital repair, airport improvements and the Tenessee Valley Authority.