Is Obama solving the wrong problem ?
Injecting money at the consumer/employee level certainly seems like the most effective way to get money circulating again. This approach had a positive effect during the last depression. But America has changed since then, especially small town America.
During the last depression, most businesses were locally owned, and much of the money injected into the economy at this level circulated in the neighborhoods. It was spent a the local hardware, whose owner spent it at the local grocery, whose owner spent it at the local restaurant, who paid his mortgage at the local bank…..
There are very few locally owned businesses anymore, and those that survive are sharing a shrinking piece of the pie. WalMart and the other Big Boxes have been successful at exterminating them. A dollar from
an Extended Unemployment Benefit that is spent at WalMart does NOT circulate in the local economies. It is sucked right back to Corporate HQ and Wall Street one quick step.
It is somewhat comforting to hear the Obama and the Democrats stress getting dollars to the people who will spend them, but are they overlooking the REAL problem?
I fear that unless the WalMarts (Big Box/Big Banks) are broken up and regulated out of existence, and the Gordian Knot of huge Corporations owning other Huge Corporations is untied, the US Economy will increasingly benefit only the privileged few.
A bank that is “too big to fail” is too big to remain protected by the taxpayers and coddled by our politicians.
National Policy that shelters and favors Giant Corporations at the expense of locally owned businesses needs to be rewritten.
Does America need a Teddy Roosevelt (Trust Buster) before a Franklin Roosevelt can be effective?
I would love to hear Obama/Democrats begin to talk about THIS problem.
(I’m using “WalMart” generically to represent the all of the Big Box/Big Banks that now dominate our nation's economy)."There are forces within the Democratic Party who want us to sound like kinder, gentler Republicans. I want us to compete for that great mass of voters that want a party that will stand up for working Americans, family farmers, and people who haven't felt the benefits of the economic upturn."---Paul Wellstone