Those who find fault with this result are looking at a snapshot of sTalk Radio, Faux News and CNN's ridiculous hires, and CBS's hiring of an unrepentant GOP- AIPAC whore.
this really goes to our advantage. hear me out.
A 19% regional party, many of whom are stupid, poor, or both, can rejoice in their Rushes, their Seans, their Talk Radio fiefdumbs. And we say, SO WHAT?
Not only have other outlets (intertubes, teh google, and other technologies like twitter, personal devices, ewetube, etc, replaced media, much of today's yute really does not trust nor follow today's MSM. Most of young adults, even middle aged ones, get better, more informed, and more entertaining news from the Daily Show than CNN. Colbert is prefered by a wide margin over Fox, especially in those age groups.
It is inappropriate for us to demand that the providers of news change, except as we vote with our feet and our wallets. We are on a pendulum which is shifting faster and faster towards the liberal, or perhaps, moderate coverage. It is happening, and it is happening faster and more often. Rachel Madow? Keitho? It will only get better.
By continuing a conservative push, Clear Channel is almost bankrupt. Do you hear any mid-aged person worried about its demise? Hardly. CBS will attract a small, demented, pro-Israel group that excludes all other choices, and that thinks that the GOP is all good, and the Democrats are all bad. Heh. That will be profitable, I am sure.
most importantly, look what happened in November. DESPITE a clear conservative bias, DESPITE channels attacking Rev. Wright, while ignoring Ms. McCain's crimes and addictions, the good guys won by 10,000,000 votes. Don't you think that producers, advertisers, and more rational programmers WILL GET A FUCKING CLUE? Of course they will. And it is happening now.
Why is this god news? Because when the media follows the public, and heads far more to the left than it is now, those GOPer who will demand that we install a fairness doctrine will find themselves fucked. They asked for it. They got it. And it will bite them in their fat, cyst-filled asses.