I've seen private corporations take over school districts or individual schools with wild promises of improved test scores, only to stagger back in shame when the tests come out and there is no improvement. You don't get improvement by adding gadgetry and glitz--it takes commitment by the students and their parents to get any change.
Charter schools, imho, don't really help the real problem, as the ones I know about pick and choose the kids that go there. The ones who really need the help are the ones that would never be picked to go into a private, for-profit program. And yet they are the ones that need it the most. So I urge President Obama to look carefully at the charter school programs that are financed. Look for ones that are innovative--interested in helping the "others" rather than the "cream of the crop". Get ones the propose innovative programs, such as parental outreach starting at birth--where "parent coaches" come into the home to help the parent manage the responsibilities of raising a child, where the parent is taught the importance of valuing things like reading and listening and critical thinking.