I know these asswipe reich wing suck-ups on the radio are living in fear right now. I know they're running scared. And when they run scared, they run right at you. Their best defense is ALWAYS a good offense. I know that they have ratcheted up their already supersonic hyperbolic rhetoric, since their revered one left office. These chickenhawks aren't even chickenshit, in my book. We know they will say or do anything to make their Stepford listener's ears prick up.
In recent days, those of us who dare to listen to these purveyors of pornographic political commentary have heard:
Obama wants the private sector to fail. He hopes upon hope that the private sector fails, so that he can complete his grand design of a purely socialist state, where all freedoms are restricted and all Americans are completely dependent on the federal government.
Only the poor, jobless, those with no money in the stock market were the ones that propped Obama into power.
The masses are asses and don't know what's best for them.
Only Limbaugh, Hannity, et al are the truth, the light and the way...all others know absolutely nothing.
Big government is evil.
How are we going to pay for this! How are we going to pay for this? How are we going to....(In other words, screw all the people who have been forced out of their jobs and homes.)
Every time Obama speaks, the market goes down. (What a coincidence. Every time these gasbags speak the market goes down, too!)
Obama's aim is to rip up the constitution.
FDR's policies were abject failures.
This is officially the Obama recession.
Okay. I know they are becoming marginalized. I know they completely out of step with mainstream America, but they are still extremely influential. We know that. But, what most people don't realize is that it isn't the marketplace of ideas that run through these shows that make them popular. There are very few factual statements made in these shows, and no truths. What there are, are half-truths, omissions of full facts, which are then manipulated, a lot of scurrilous innuendo, and then of course, outright lies and quantum leaps of pretzel logic. All of which is neatly woven into a semi-palatable tale that their minions can digest. BUT, these infotainment specialists put it all together in a most entertaining way, if you are George Carlin or myself. Really, I have to say that they amuse me as much as they disgust me. Their bombast is honed to an art, and it is by design, all for ratings. For, without the ratings, we wouldn't be talking about these guys. Fact is, in radio, if you don't draw listeners within a matter of weeks, you get canned. So these guys, the successful ones, know this and they know their audience. They are masters at emotional button pushing.
The problem, as I see it on this issue, is not the message, but the messenger. Most radio show sponsors don't care what you're selling, just as long as you can sell it. Translation: The reason that liberal radio is failing isn't the message. There should be no doubt that we have the much better message. It's the messengers that have failed us as liberals. I won't presume to speak for all of you, but frankly, there isn't a liberal talk show host out there that doesn't bore me to distraction. They communicate very poorly.
Give me a damned microphone! George Soros, or anyone who could make it happen, give me a microphone. Give me three hours daily, five days a week on radio, to combat these facilitators who are all ego, with undeveloped capacities to form logical arguments. I would not be interested in standing on niceties. This is class warfare. We need people on the airwaves who understand this. We need people who are not only armed for the battle of ideas, but ones who are eager to wage hellish war against these lying, bullying protectors of the power elite.
But if not me, then will the powers that be PLEASE find liberal hosts on the radio who can hold their own and grow an audience? That isn't too much to ask, is it? I'm not sure that Democrats, liberals and progressives understand what's at stake. If left unchecked, a movement could be formed, with the help of bozos like Limbaugh and Hannity, and from there it isn't a short leap of imagination to envision open civil war.
Always keep in mind; While they may be fellow Americans, the opposition hates our guts and wish one of two things: They wish that we would either leave the country, or they wish we would all die some horrible death.
Fight fire with fire. Put me on the air.