you haven't been following this, you should. Glenn Greenwald is, imho, together with Josh Marshall, doing some of the best "journalism" out there today. This piece from yesterday analyzes 3 minutes of the Chris Matthews sunday show re: the US Attorney firings. The guy from time says the dems are going to destroy themselves in their effort to "get" Rove and everyone else giggles at how stupid the scandal is.
For those of you who don't remember, this is, in many ways, how the media reacted to the Watergate burglery. Big deal, you can't pin it on Nixon they all said.
The sad part is reporters will all just say "they are shooting the messanger" which we are, but not because of the message because of a LACK of message.
read his follow up too, posted later in the day, with lots of interesting links. Sometimes it's easier with all the info out there to gloss over pieces like Glenn's...I know I do sometimes...but when I spend the time to read it all I'm always glad I did. Just last weekend I got in a HUGE fight with 3 other lawyers over the scandal. They all said "its no big deal, Clinton did it, the dems will destroy themselves with all these investigations" Josh had provided me with much ammunition for that fight and now Glenn has given me more for round 2 set for Thursday with the same 3.
Anyway, the follow up: