What better birthday card could you sign to President Gore than to pledge that you will become a climate meesenger for our planet? I have over 20 pages of signatures already from people all over the world in every continent without political predisposition who care about this crisis and have pledged to do all they can to change this world for the better. However, I need 500 signatures to reach the goal and sure would love to meet that by the time I send this out to Mr. Gore as this is the essence of his work, and I cannot think of a better way to honor him on his birthday than to show him the support he has on this from around the world. Nor is there any better way to begin the work we must do globally to repair the damage we have done to this planet and work to lessen our impact for future generations. And by signing it you are helping trees to be planted in Niger to help mitigate deforestation and poverty so there is no down side to this.
The window regarding the sustainability of our planet is closing if we do not act now. Recent events are making it clearer that Al Gore's words of warning in bringing the message of climate scientists to the people are coming true. This is not the time to continue to sit on our hands waiting for some event to come along to magically bring it back, because that will not happen without our intervention. This year of 2007 is going to be crucial for the future sustainability of this planet. Which is why I ask for your help.
With the release of An Inconvenient Truth last May, Mr. Gore and the producers have managed to raise awareness of this crisis and our part in it to a level that will hopefully be sustained enough this year to warrant some real progress. Now with it winning an Oscar for Best Documentary it is hoped that more people will begin to see the facts surrounding our hand in this crisis and our moral obligation to work to mitigate it.
However, that will not happen unless we take the information he and climate scientists have given us seriously and pledge to take the next step, which is to help him spread this information and to also change our own lifestyles in ways that will help preserve this planet and slow down the process of climate change which is already being seen in glaciers across this world regarding rapid melting that has put our own species and others such as rocker penquins and polar bears at risk of extinction, longer and more sustained and severe droughts that are affecting life and livelihoods already in over 35% of our world, acidic oceans unable to sustain the bio chain that links us all together, and other affects that are costing us economically and personally our only home.
Any sincere signatures any of you would then like to add to this petition in the home stretch would then be very much appreciated as this is an investment in our future.
http://www.tree-nation.com/community/product.php?item_icon=1&item_id=109377The petition is titled, 'Pledge To Be A Climate Messenger' and is listed on the home page of the Tree Nation site. Trees are the lungs of our planet and working to plant more is surely a noble cause. Please help me do this and in the process wish Mr. Gore a Happy Birthday by signing it.
Thank you!