We all know why Michael Steele won the Republican National Chairmanship. Most of the voters thought his name was spelled Steal.
But now that he's won, he's promised to transform the party into the G O Hip Hop P. And his influence is already evident. Michelle Bachman, of the pretzel logic, told Michael Steele, after his speech to the Political Conservation Action Committee in Washington that he was "da man". "Michael Steele! You be da man! You be da man," she said. Of course, Michelle is one of those who thought his name is spelled Steal.
Still, one has to wonder how long it is before the Republican herd starts channeling JJ Walker. And start promising us not only Good Times, but Dyn-O-Mite times. "You be Da Man," and "Dyn-O-Mite." being about as hip as any of these Jurassicly inclined hop heads are ever going to get.