organizations are reporting that the Obama administration is moving to repeal Bush’s dangerous, last-minute regulation that could allow anyone from a woman’s doctor to her doctor’s receptionist to her entire HMO system to deny women reproductive-health services.
This is a great win for American women! I’m grateful to President Obama for listening to activists like you and reversing this outrageous attack.">Please thank the president for taking action and continuing to make women’s health care a priority.
Bush’s last-minute regulation was a parting gift to his anti-choice base. It could allow insurance companies to deny claims for the pill, hospitals to refuse emergency contraceptives to rape survivors, and employees at HMOs to refuse their patients referrals for abortion care.
We expect anti-choice organizations like Americans United for Life to overwhelm the White House with calls.">Please show President Obama that he has your support - send him a quick thank-you email today.
We have a long way to go before we fully undo Bush’s anti-choice legacy, but President Obama’s action today is a giant step forward.