"After nearly three decades of Reaganomics in which the wealthiest two percent have grown exponentially wealthier while middle class wages have remained stagnant, a growing faction of super rich Americans is seriously pissed off -- and their Wingnut Revolution is upon us.
"Sure, the interests and influence of the wealthiest two percent make them more responsible than most for the free market policies that created this current economic crisis. But if there's one thing we've learned about those responsible for this recession, it's that the concept of accountability is about as foreign as their live-in au pairs. Instead, they're trying to pin this on Barney Frank and a legion of "losers" (read that: working class minorities) even though Ben Bernanke himself has debunked this myth."
This crap really pisses me off.
The wealthy benefit more than anyone from the existence of the stability and protection the government provides. They should pay for that proportionately.
If they don't like it, they can try trading in their dollars for private bank notes and operating securities markets with zero federal oversight. And, oh yes, they also could try paying firms like Blackwater to protect the nation in which most of their stuff is located. Good luck with all that.
Also: You cannot tell me that corporations and the rich don't benefit in an out-sized way from public education and state universities, which train their workforce -- not to mention the physical infrastructure of roads, bridges, airports, etc, which makes commerce possible.
Most of the perks of wealth would be useless outside the context of the modern society we have built here -- as a nation, as a group. The same could be said about wealth itself.
It comes down to this: In a world in which billions live on less than $1 a day, we have a society in which the richest have wealth unknown to the pharaohs. That's great. Let 'em have it. But do not expect me to feel sorry for them when they say that it isn't enough.
The wealthy have it good in America. Very good. If their taxes go up, this will still be the best place in the world to be rich.