complete with a postage-paid return envelope (a front, of course, for a pitch for money -- I have no idea how my name got on their list) . . . like most of these things, his questions are all phrased to elicit the responses he wants -- classic push polling . . . they're all "Agree/Disagree/No Opinion" answers . . .
so how do I respond to "Work to cut waste and ensure the financial stability of Medicare"? . . . hey, I'm all in favor of cutting waste, but the very next item is "Permit voluntary participation in Social Security," followed by "Allow individuals to privately invest a set percentage of Social Security in Personal Accounts" . . .
in the "Government Spending and Regulation" section he addresses government spending, pork-barrel spending, "overfunded" entitlement programs, corporate subsidies, a Balanced Budget Amendment, "obsolete" federally funded programs, the federal deficit, and federal regulation of business -- but NOT ONE WORD about the monster that eats dollars like the Cookie Monster eats Lorna Doones -- the so-called "defense" budget . . . more like the "kick the shit out of anyone we don't like" budget . . .
and I especially liked "Too many government regulations" thwarting free enterprise and small business . . . TOO MANY regulations? . . . hell, they've shit-canned most of them, and are hard at work on the rest! . . .
there's a comments section for each section . . . think I may spend a little time telling Mr. McCain my how I feel about these issues and a ffew others (impeachment, Katrina, domestic spying, honey bees, etc.) . . . hint: he ain't gonna like it . . .
I have no illusions, of course . . . since my response won't include a donation, I'm sure it will be shit-canned before it's ever read . . . still, filling it out will be fun . . .
and maybe I'll include a brink on his dime . . . yeah, that's the ticket! . . .
cheers . . . :)