Unfortunately, TRUTHS about Shrub were out there from the very beginning AND WERE IGNORED!1 It was KNOWN that a drunken, profanity spewing Shrub insulted Al HUNT and Judy WOODRUFF in front of their children in a restaurant. Molly IVINS documented the unspeakable sleaziness of Shrub. "Fortunate Son" documented it. And all this was BACK WHEN. Yet our crack media thought he was cute and made it verboten to criticize him and his record. Heck, our crack media didn't even LOOK at what was his very PUBLIC record.
http://www.nypost.com/seven/02282009/gossip/pagesix/join_the_club_157282.htmJOIN THE CLUB
DON'T expect people to lay off George W. Bush just because he's no longer president. In his upcoming HarperCollins book, "Get Rich Cheating," Jeff Kreisler salutes dubious moneymakers such as Ken Lay, Dennis Kozlowski and Conrad Black, and lumps the ex-commander in with the pack. Dubya, he writes, "ran unsuccessful baseball and oil companies, made questionable stock trades, schemed his way into the presidency, ran it like a fraudulent corporation, hid his reasons, played dumb, refused to take responsibility and enriched those around him."
THE PROBLEM WITH A DISCLAIMER is its coming off as defensive, especially when it's preemptive. Trouble is, it's damned if do/don't: NOT including it first results in the predictable problems.
DISCLAIMER re: linking to the NY Post (for to head-off highly predictable, OT/hijacking posts):: Yes, it is a RAG. Yes, it is owned by NewsCorp/Faux's MURDOCH. No, he doesn't Dictaphone content to his gossip columnists. No, "gossip" does NOT equate to "UNtruth." These old time gossipers are more journalists and reliable than Tweety and such ilk. Frequently, political tidbits are here first, later to show up in more "respectable" venues. Keep friends close, enemies closer. Cherrypicking intel results in self-fulfilling FALSENESS. I got hooked on these gossipers when they were on E!1 and, when they were cancelled, tracked them down and they happened to be at the RAG (NY Post). ALL I read at the RAG are the gossip and the horoscope.