Tea Party Rant: They're Laughing at Us (Vanity)Posted on
Saturday, February 28, 2009 10:31:52 AM by
genetic homophobeI heard the local radio guy admonishing us to go to our tea party. He said the time for peaceful demonstration is short, and if not now, when? So I thought, "WTF"?I put down my tools, and grabbed a piece of half inch plywood out of my trailer, found some spray paint.On one side tagged "OBAMA IS A RADICAL COMMUNIST", other side read "STOP THE COMMUNIST COUP", jumped in the truck, fired up the 12 valve Cummins, and went to our little Nashville tea party (600 people). Hopefully they’ll get bigger, but I can tell you that zerO and his cabinet are radical communists, about to manipulate the census, very methodically carrying out their destruction of America, and they are laughing their a$$es off watching our little goofy “tea parties”. We had Republicans speaking such gibberish as “let’s show them at the ballot box in 2010” or “we need to stop these socialists in Washington, put the government back on the side of the people”. What a joke! Wake up people! In 2010 this will be a different place! It will be too Late! George Bush was a socialist! John McCain is a socialist! They gave us TARP , nationalized banks, and wide open borders! Obama’s no socialist, he’s a RADICAL COMMUNIST! Listen to what Alan Keyes is saying, he’s the only one with the balls to call it totally the way it is. We already had a Socialist in the White House, we let the Dems pick our Socialist candidate for '08. This will not be solved by tea parties or ballots. I don't know how we're going to stop it, and I'm not saying don't have Tea Parties, but realistically folks, that'll never do it. There will be no peaceful solution. You've got to quit calling Obama/fishead Rahm socialists. They think that is hillarious, and I don't blame them. Communism is Socialism with a gun to your head (stolen tagline, thanks). Juggling the census like they are, that's a gun to our heads. WAKE UP!
What exactly is "genetic homophobe" advocating here?