In a moment of patriotic pride I checked out the website to see what volunteer opportunities may be available near me. I was expecting to see construction/remodeling projects for the needy (maybe a local habitat for humanity project), tutoring for school kids, etc.
Much to my dismay, when searching for events I see that the website is already full of spam. Specifically the following, which was listed dozens and dozens of times:
Find Money For Next 12 Months
While the economy recovers over the next year or two, you can do something productive with your money. Take control of your life
right now to prepare for the hard times ahead.
This is what our associates (investment bankers) at UBS, E*Trade, Deloitte Financial Services and Goldman Sachs had to say about the current state of the economy:
"As long as you do not have to stand in a bread line for next 18 months, you will be fine."
That means you should be prepared for the worst. I was frustrated after I got laid off from my job earlier this year. I took control of my own life and was introuduced to some serious money - AUTOMATICALLY.
I am not selling anything and do not even own any products. I am one of those who are making money by it. You can too. No efforts, automatically.
Iintially investing $100 and converting it to potentially $100,000 in 11 months.
Initially iInvesting $200 and converting it to potentially $200,000 in 11 months.
I am moved by how my life changed since I started investing (My account has hit $138,000). I'd like to point you to how you can save your financial situation, so you too can earn some serious, automated money while our Government fixes the economy. -- Check this out -- thanks -PS.
Time: Sunday, April 5 from 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Host: Peter Singh
Location: online (Atlanta, GA)
Atlanta, GA 30338
I'm pretty po'd that someone would spam this, and baffled as to why Obama's IT team leave this crap on. It's a great idea to allow local organizations to list service opportunities, but geeze, don't they think they need to provide some supervision?