Edited on Tue Mar-27-07 06:11 PM by tom_paine
I know we are all sick of being patient, because we 10%ers were hep to these criminal punks from Day One.
But the Dems were just given control of House and Senate, and given the mood of the country and the now repeated vote-stealing, blocking and stuffing strategies the Busheviks have employed and continue to employ, by just how much did the Dems have to REALLY win by to get that "56-44%" popular vote spread. I postulate it was more like 63-37% and the difference is the now-customary "thumb on the scale" (as someone else called it) of 4-7% and perhaps more in elections the Busheviks REALLY want to win.
Point is: the power to investigate is only a few months old, the Dems have already exposed stuff and they have hardly even begun. They could so very easily have MOST OR ALL the goods on these bastards, and they yet might depending on how much guts and fortitude they have when the bodies start piling up, both metaphorically (mostly metaphorically) and actually (more Wellstonings, and the very real threat, IMHO, of LIHOP#2 or MIHOP #2, to try to save themselves and implement the police state they have come so very close to constructing, ready to trigger after the next horrible tragedy).
The system may yet still work. It is working and moving forward. We must give it time before we judge. Someone here mentioned the pace of Watergate was tremendously slow, also, and did not really look like it was going to be a successful restoration of the Rule of Law until the very end...when it was (the pardons and the aftermath of not fully investigating and prosecuting notwithstanding, which is another tragedy in itself).
Right now, from where I am sitting, the System is working at it's expected pace, for a deliberative bicameral Congress in a democratic-republic.
We cannot yet know to what extent the law will be reestablished in this case. Ford's pardons cheated the American People of the ability to fully restore the Rule of Law to the Executive Branch, and the totalitarian America-hating Cheneys and Rumsfelds and Poppy Augutuses (Augustii?) respawned the network of evil that the Prescott Bush and the Dulles Brothers spawned, which Nixon ran until his inept end. The question is: Did he REALLY run it? Or was he like Ronald Reagan, a senile puppet of this evil cabal (who's only friend in that entire adminitsration was Don Regan, who was GONE by 1984...Poppy ran the country since at least 1984)
And LOOK at the Un-American abomination that our beautiful nation has become under the latest metastatization of that Cancer on the Presidency (indeed, on our entire American way of life as the Founding Fathers envisioned it) that was left uninvestigated and untouched by the Ford Pardons.
Look at what we have become under Lil' Boots.
But look at me. here I am, counseling patience with the Dems and the System as I begin to work myself into the inevitable froth which screams "WHY WON'T THE DEMS GET OFF THEIR ASSES AND IMPEACH THESE BASTARDS?"
:rofl: :wtf:
It's hard to be patient with a ponderous Constitutional System especially after all this tragedy, horror, and danger of living in what might have been (and still be, if we cannot stop these people) a nascent "New Totalitarian" State.
But that is exactly what I am counseling...to myself as much as to everyone else.