Edited on Fri Jan-26-07 11:31 PM by mrcheerful
Bush is a Doer-
With everyone speculating on George W. Bush legacy, i thought I would note some of President Bush's positive achievements.
President Bush brought this nation through the worst terrorist attack in American history on Sept 11,2001.
President Bush brought this nation through the worst natural disaster in America Hurricane Katrina.
President Bush has an unemployment rate nationally of 4.5 percent.
The U.S stock market is at an all time high of 12,500 plus.
President Bush signed into law a ban on partial-birth abortions, something his predeccessor vetoed twice.
President Bush signed into law prescription drug coverage for the eldery.
I believe President Bush's greatest legacy, will be the war on terrorism and the war in Iraq.
President Bush is trying to bring the light of liberty and freedom to a country that was ruled be a brutal dictator for more than 35 years.
Saddam was a bully, he gassed his own people and started the first Gulf war in 1991. There were 17 U.N. resolutions against the iraqi dictator, and he refused to comply. President Bush was the only leader in the free world with the guts to make him comply.
Many Democrats say they were mislead or that Bush lied about weapons of mass distruction in Iraq, but they had the same information the president had when they voted to fund the war. President Clinton also believed Saddam had weapons of mass distruction.
Liberals and Democrats are good at talking about freedom President Bush is not only a talker, he's a doer.
How will it all turn out ?
Only time will tell-
(This article was in the peoples forumn in the Saginaw news- I found it very truthful and just wanted to pass it on. )
The funny thing is the forum he is talking about is the opinion page of said news paper. lol.
Edited to add, this area this was written in was a GMC city and is fast becoming a dead city. Unemployment is so high that welfare is paying poor people to move out of the city. Yet this numb nut writes this.