The only way to beat them is to ignore them. In point of fact, fewer and fewer people watch TV network news, and the national print platforms are all in decline as well.
Worrying about what crap the corporations want to put out is not just a waste of energy -- it is a surrender of power. If you believe in your heart that something isn't real or significant unless the Corporate Media says so, you are giving away your birthright as an American Citizen to participate in self government. What we, the people, say and think matters, even if the guys who own the TV stations don't care to put it on the air.
A powerful myth grew up after Watergate about how Dustin Hoffman and Robert Redford nailed Tricky Dick. It was an exaggerated and self congratulatory narrative that the media told about itself.
The far more significant players in breaking open the Watergate scandal were Judge Sirica, Sam Ervin, Tip O'Neill, Archibald Cox, Leon Jaworkski, Peter Rodino and a dimly remembered phalanx of lawyers working for the Senate Select Committee, the House Judiciary Committee and the Special Prosecutor's office.
The Corporate Media were not nearly as ludicrous in their slant in those days as they are today in the Post Telecommunications Act universe, but almost all the pundits sneered at the "crazies" who thought that they were going to impeach Nixon -- right up until the Supreme Court ordered the production of the infamous tapes.
Forget the corporate media. They have less influence today than they had yesterday. And they will be weaker still tomorrow. Do your part and tell all your friends that you don't pay any attention to Network News, the NYTimes, the WashPost, the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Time, Newsweek, US News and World Report -- and least and last, the Fox News Channel.
There are a near infinity of independent sources of information. Use them.