(at least about the war) For those of you that don't know, George Aiken preceded Patrick Leahy in the U.S. Senate. He was a republican, albeit more liberal on almost every imaginable issue than the majority of dems currently serving. Here's the wiki bio of Aiken:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_AikenIn 1966, in a speech on the floor of the Senate, Aikens said that the U.S. should declare victory and GET OUT. He described what was actually happening in Viet Nam, and what the future held. Needless to say, he was quite prescient.
Here's a link to the speech:
http://bailey.uvm.edu/specialcollections/notable/vietnam.htmlOf course, Hagle can't mirror Aiken too closely; it's too late for that and he's no George Aiken, but he could become an important voice for getting out of Iraq.
In any case, I thank Senator Hagle for speaking out and for his vote yesterday cancelling out Lieberman's disgusting "keep the war going at all costs vote".