The difference between the Bush Junta and the Third Reich is that the Third Reich did "put food on the table" and "made the trains run on time," and created an awesome industrial machine, for that era, that was then used for Hitler's insane drive for power over all of Europe and the Mediterranean, and Russia, with the goal of sitting astride the world. And it came damned close to succeeding. Probably the most pivotal event was Russia allying itself with the West. This seriously divided Hitler's forces, and the Russians defended their territory with extraordinary ferocity. Hitler also made the big mistake of not hitting Great Britain when they were most vulnerable. When the RAF had essentially been defeated, and was regrouping, out in the sticks, Hitler chose to bomb London instead of hitting the air fields in the outlying areas. And, finally, of course, the US entered the war--with quickly mobilized and vast industrial capacity and resources. Had it not been for these three critical things--our Russian ally, the mistake of bombing London, and the US mobilization--we would be living in a Nazi world today.
The Bush Junta--although it most certainly has Nazi tendencies--is not building a great industrial machine, is not "putting food on the table," is not "making the trains run on time," and one wonders what they think they are doing. Their chief motive seems to be looting everything in sight, and BREAKING US, as a people, not inspiring us to follow them on their mad crusade. Perhaps they are thinking: global corporate predator war machine. But still, they are based here. And THIS country is bleeding jobs, and manufacturing capability, and federal funds, and dollar strength, and is severely short on cannon fodder, on military equipment, and all the resources needed for WW III. We can't do it. We are ten trillion dollars in debt--a preventable circumstance, but for multiple tax cuts for the rich and for corporate predators, a crazy policy. You see what I mean? Hitler was very popular, to a point. Bush is greatly despised. And Cheney is hated. They are thieves and criminals, and they are incompetent at anything else. They couldn't run a successful hotdog stand, let alone a country. Hitler was something else again. He was very intelligent--though horribly evil--and he knew how to plug into German nationalism and pride and organizational skills. The Bush Junta is not building ANYTHING that I can see--except piles of cash in foreign banks somewhere. They may be intent on some kind of worldwide Kaos-like domination scheme, which will leave the US a tattered ruin and move on to bigger pots of gold. Halliburton's move to Dubai may be the key to that--and the Bush Cartel's rumored purchase of a massive ranch in Paraguay. But they're not really Nazis. They're not that smart. They are just your garden variety fascist, like any other tinpot dictator/thief who manages to get control of a "Banana Republic"--in this case, a very rich one with an awesome war machine.
Yes, it's possible they will attack Iran. But that will be it. They don't have the troops or the resources to HOLD Iran. And the world will come down on us like a ton of bricks--probably not militarily (although the entire Muslim world will be up in arms), but with a deliberate crash of the US dollar, China calling in our credit, or other catastrophic punishment. It will be a fatal blow to this country. The Bush Junta may have plans to operate from ANOTHER country or region. But, if they do, that is the maddest plan of all. The countries of the world will unite against them, and isolate them, just as all the many new leftist democracies in South America are uniting against US corporate interests and Bushite interference now.
Anyway, I was just trying to think with a little more precision about what we are dealing with, in the Bush Junta. Another Hitler may be in our future. (Hitler rose to power in the wake of WW I and the Great Depression--a future circumstance that could be developing here.) But I think we have rather a different animal, currently--not great organizers or mad visionaries--but rather more like major gangsters. I can't see much other purpose in what they're doing, except looting and plundering, and retaining the bully power to loot and plunder with impunity. Their pathetic attempts to create a "war president" and a Great Cause are just absurd. They have command of all the war profiteering corporate news monopolies, and they have not been able to peddle this narrative to the American people. Look at the opinion stats! Look at the opinion stats way back in Feb. '03, before the Iraq invasion. 56% of the American people opposed it--despite relentless, 24/7 war propaganda. Now it's 75%. I don't think they've ever wanted to convince us of anything. I think they just wanted to FOOL us that they were convincing SOMEBODY, long enough to loot us blind.
I think we are more vulnerable to just being left behind by the rest of the world, than we are to Bushite "Nazism"--although I DO see the comparison in their tyrannical policy--torture, suspension of habeas corpus, asserting and grabbing all sorts of unconstitutional power, using an event like 9/11 to grab more power and to militarize the country. These are not small things--although what they are FOR is the question. Also, we really need to understand that the US war machine is an bipartisan endeavor. And I'm not sure that impeachment of Bush/Cheney would remedy the situation. It COULD be signal to the rebirth of democracy in the US. I'm not against the idea at all. It's just that I can see Hillary Clinton attacking Iran as easily as Bush/Cheney, or, letting THEM attack Iran, and then continuing the war because we've got to "support our troops," you know. Once they are committed, to be for peace--to not keep them in harm's way--is unamerican. I can just hear it--all the crap the war profiteers are talking now, repeated two years from now.
The ultimate remedy--the thing we had really better get on--is restoring our right to vote. We have rightwing Bushite electronic voting corporations "counting" all our votes with 'TRADE SECRET,' PROPRIETARY programming code. What should we expect from this wholly non-transparent voting system, with secret code owned and controlled by Bushite corporations, except Bush/Cheney tyrants in the White House, and a Congress that is unable to curtail them?
IF we had transparent vote counting, you can be sure that Bush/Cheney would already be impeached, and their heinous war would be over. And this IS a parallel to the Nazis. The German people let them stuff the ballot boxes with impunity. Hitler did not gain power by means of a coup. He was "elected."