Over the past couple of days, freepers have been adament in their refusal to deal with anything remotely approaching reality. I think the exchange here is reflective not only of freepers but a hard core 20 to 30% that would support the war no matter how many troops or Iraqis die, and matter what evidence is produced that shows the war is an utter and unmitigated disaster for everyone involved. The mindset is amazing and unfathomable. As these posts show, even the mildest criticsim is met with rage and hatred:
To: stockpirate I hope the congress realizes that they have just emboldened the enemy. The enemy has only heard that congress is ready to surrender but they don't realize that the President will have the last word on this.
To: tobyhill I hope the congress realizes that they have just emboldened the enemy. We've heard excuse for each and every failure in the Iraq mess for four years. This rationalization is not only wearing thin, it is in total tatters
To: Austin Willard Wright Listen defeatist and traitor. In every defeatist speech the enemy gets emboldened whether this speech is made by a politician or by regular folks like some defeatists and traitors here on FR like you. We are winning this war in Iraq and we will achieve the ultimate victory despite traitors and defeatists like you.
14 posted on 03/28/2007 7:20:16 AM PDT by jveritas (Support The Commander in Chief in Times of War) < Post Reply | Private Reply | To 10 | View Replies >
These people (except for Austin Willard Wright) are fucking insane, as are the 20% to 30% of Americans that evidently agree with them.
How can anyone possibly believe we are winning this war. I just don't get it.