See Citizen Rick's response below. :eyes:, TIME
March 26, 2007 4:56
In Which I Pretend that the Boss Reads Emails from Me
Posted by Ana Marie Cox | Comments (132) | Permalink | Trackbacks (0) | Email This
So, I gather you all (Glenn Greenwald, most notably) picked up on something Time ME Rick Stengel said on The Chris Matthew Show Sunday about the possibility that Congress may pull Rove and Miers in to testify about the USA scandal: "I am so uninterested in the Democrats wanting Karl Rove because it is so bad for them."
It's a sentiment that's even harder to parse that the usual chat show banter. He's uninterested because going after Karl is bad for the Democrats? Two problems: Since when did the Democrats doing something bad for themselves prove to be uninteresting? A second, bigger problem: Why is going after Karl bad for Democrats? The panel on Sunday seemed to be taking the line that going after Karl would somehow make the Ds look petty and vengeful; I tend to think it makes them look like they are doing what they were elected to do*: provide oversight of a "comically
mendacious" administration. It's unlikely that White House is fighting Congressional subpoenas because they think the Rove's testimony will make the Democrats look bad. Hey, you know who's probably going to look really bad if Rove testifies? Rove.
People say things they'd like to take back all the time on chat shows. God knows I have, and the main problem is usually that the format doesn't allow people to reveal their full thinking on an issue. Maybe that's the case here.
UPDATE: I think Rick is putting the actual paper magazine together right now (and, shockingly, that tends to take priority over blog-related things), but I'll attempt to get some kind of response.
* Shortly after the midterms I spoke to someone in Rove's own office about what their takeaway was and this person told me that it wasn't a referendum on the war, but on corruption. So it's not like the WH thinks voters would be "uninterested" in this...
March 27, 2007 10:19
In Which My Boss Responds to My Email
Posted by Ana Marie Cox | Comments (169) | Permalink | Trackbacks (0) | Email This
First, I want to say that we've come a long way from Henry Luce. This kind of back and forth is something that is particular to this time and this technology and -- just to peel back the curtain a bit -- I had no idea whether my boss, Time Managing Editor Rick Stengel, would actually respond. But he has, and I think he's totally bloggy about it. And I mean that in a good way. Emails Rick:
In reading your reaction to my comments on Chris Matthews, I realize that I've been caught out speaking as a citizen rather than as editor of Time. Lord knows, the Democrats going after Karl Rove is "interesting" in an objective way for Time and for journalists in general. It's hard to overstate Rove's role in this administration and it would certainly create yards of headlines and good copy if the Democrats manage to get some traction. But as a citizen, I think it's unfortunate and perhaps short-sighted for Democrats to be perceived as focusing on the past rather than the future. If people see the Democrats as obsessively concerned with settling scores, that's not good for the Democrats or the country. And I would make the exact same statement about the Republicans if they were in this situation. Meanwhile, the next time I’m on Chris Matthews, I’ll muzzle my citizen’s thoughts.
And, Ana, don’t you have a story due?
Best, Rick