We just switched to Verizon Fios TV and it's in the new line up we got.
It's like watching a combination of the local cable access station, local news, and a few national shows. As many commercials as AM talk radio.
It's kinda a hoot.
On the plus side, they seem to stay with news conferences and town hall meetings longer than the other networks. I guess it's because they are a bit short on original content, but I'd rather watch the "raw" news anyway.
Oh, and perhaps it's just the luck of the timing, but I've only seen about 1 1/2 minutes on Anna Nicole since we switched over.
And their political round houses seem (and keep in mind, I'm new to it, so maybe I haven't seen enough to judge) to focus more on getting the views of journalists rather than having one person from each "side" of a debate.