Edited on Wed Mar-28-07 09:04 PM by BerryBush
Some excerpts from his wit and wisdom, from the White House's own Web site, of his statements from March of 2001:
Most of you probably didn't know that I have a new book out. Some guy put together a collection of my wit and wisdom -- or, as he calls it, my accidental wit and wisdom. (Laughter.) But I'm kind of proud that my words are already in book form. So like other authors, I thought I'd read from it tonight.
... how about this for foreign policy vision: "When I was coming up, it was a dangerous world and we knew exactly who the they were. It was us versus them. And it was clear who the them was." (Laughter.) "Today, we're not so sure who the they are, but we know they're there." (Laughter and applause.)
... I don't think it's healthy to take yourself too seriously. But what I do take seriously is my responsibility as President to all the American people. It's the office I hold. And that is what I came tonight to tell you.
That's what he said. In March. 2001.
We can see how seriously he took his responsibility. His responsibility to figure out "who they were" and how to stop them.