to realize the difference betweent the stories they're handfed by the Right Wing and those offered by the 'liberals,' or democratic politicians.
what they ARE: lazy, afraid of losig their cushy sinecures, afraid of being culled from the herd by voicing unconventional thought, and, perhaps, even, BIASED against progressive ideas. they ARE, after all, wealthy beyond the imagining of most americans, and I'm not buying the liberalness of most of who we see on TV, or read in most other media outlets these days.
the days of the liberal reporters, the reporters who voted 89 percent for democrates....those days are over, because those journalists end up like Robert Parry, and are replaced by the likes of Adam Nagourney, or Judy Miller, or Susan Schmidt.
I wish that Hunter had named some names, and given concrete examples, like Glenn Greenwald, who he cites, has done recently
those were much more satisfying
or roasted them in a very personal way, as Matt Taibbi does regularly, in LONG, detailed articles, like Wimblehack.
if you want real satisfaction, try those two.