There is a kind of domestic abuse called financial abuse, where the abuser prevents or controls the money so the target cannot get what they need, and are forced to be dependant upon an abuser,Abuser ties up the finances controls and hoards it making it difficult or impossible for the target to leave and find a better way to live.
If you look at the definition of financial abuse in a domestic abuse situations...and compare it to the "free market" ..Similarities are there.
Are you dependant upon a job that drains you? Office politics got you scared to ask the boss for anything? Are you scared to ask for time off or a raise because you might lose your job? Well it sounds like abusive dependence. People who are comfortable are the first to complain about poor people on welfare..well YOU if you work are also dependant on a system, One closer to slavery, you must please your taskmaster or be out in the cold penniless and poor like the welfare recipients you once disdained.. If you depend on a job, it is another kind of welfare while you work ,a private 'system' called "the market".And woe to you if the market finds you disposable. The boss can fire you and get a new worker and pay them less(Outsourcing, chinese sweatshops and illegal immigrant labor? People used to more abuse, who think it is normal, will take more abuse than those who think it is unbearable and refuse to submit to it you know.)
Financial abuse violates a person's freedom to live independently and misuses financial power. How many institutions, businesses and individuals in any given organization do you know who would do this?
Bush ran HOW MANY companies into the ground? Enron screwed how many people and they still have not been paid back for their LIFETIMES they sold to the company that robbed them??
Financial abuse violates a person's freedom to live independently and misuses financial power.
(hey all you fucking businesses and CEO shit heads with golden parachutes who refuse to give living wages and health care to workers,And you asshole fundie preachers with all the fancy digs who preach god wants women tied down to a man,and to never divorce even if he is abusive .. you all are a bunch of Abusive pigs)
Creating financial dependence...which restricts a person's ability to consider leaving the abusive relationship
(every fucking greedy pig on earth)(BTW America's"free market" by it's nature is abusive, so is Careerism,"Horatio Algiers" mythology All of it is DESIGNED to force us all to have dependency on "the system" and "the powers that be" That abuse us threaten us with eviction, harassment(credit company sharks) or pinkslips..Be it an employer, landlord or the state, They can be so abusive.)
Excessive gift giving...looks like generosity but is designed to control the other person.
(Hey, all you fucking lobbyists in DC Yeah I'm talking to all you manipulative,abusive, corrupting shit heads!)
Refusing to account for money spent.
(Hey Bush,Pentagon,Halliburton! Raytheon, Etc Ect..Where did it GO!!)
Controlling and hiding financial assets.
(Hey, Pentagon, Hey Banks, Bosses, and of course Asshole Abramhoff & Enron!)
If you just look, it's easy to see how ABUSIVE our system of *cough*free market*cough*'wealth concentration' really IS..And what an EVIL game it is ,and maybe the ABUSIVE financial system we labor under IS the reason we are so messed up as a society..Because we tolerate abuse, abuse that leads to so many awful things, including many people in grinding poverty in the alleged wealthiest county. every citizen struggling..It does not have to stay this way.
The corrupt abusive system IS dependant upon someone willing to suffer abuse.As long as poverty remains the wealthy will own people. Maybe not as chattel,as much, but with wage , threat and debt..