this Baroody is a real gem. when he was Prez of the nat'l ASSoc of manufacturers he was a global waeming denier, defended tire makers who covered up evidence that their shoddy production caused the deaths of over 500 folks and went to bat for the asbestos industry, just to name a few of his pasttimes. and now he's supposed to run a consumer watchdog group in the government. that's like putting someone who judged show ponies in charge of the agency that deals w/ disasters. oh.
original-organic consumers assocition<generation greenPresident Bush About to Appoint Anti-Consumer Zealot as Chairman of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) *
No Cronies in Our Federal Agencies, Please Generation Green, Mar 27, 2007
Once again, the President wants to put a person with clear industry allegiances in charge of a government body intended to safeguard the public interest. On March 1, 2007, President Bush nominated Michael Baroody as chairman of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).
Why should you be concerned? For one, because Baroody is a senior executive with the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), a trade group that regularly opposes product safety regulation and pollution prevention laws. NAM has gone so far as to call for weakening the CPSC, an organization that exists to keep manufacturers from selling products that put us and our families at risk. And now President Bush wants to put Baroody in charge of the very organization Baroody wants to weaken. Once again, Bush is asking us to allow a fox to guard the henhouse.
Given the recent Associated Press expose of CPSC's cover-up on risks to children from vinyl lunchboxes, Baroody's appointment is even more worrisome.
During his tenure at NAM, Baroody has led opposition to laws that protect children and the public from unsafe products and toxic health threats, including:
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