Kelli Arena and Brian Todd on CNN: no surprise, biased against Dems on Sampson hearing
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Thu Mar-29-07 07:09 PM
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Kelli Arena and Brian Todd on CNN: no surprise, biased against Dems on Sampson hearing |
Ms. Arena never mentioned the Republicans behavior. She characterized the Congress as "hostile" (wtf?). Mr. Todd also never mentioned the Republicans behavior and insinuated the Democrats were upset they could not question Rove (wtf?).
On the positive side, they did mention most of the big points from today but SURPRISE SURPISE both of them did not mention the Fitzgerald bombshell by Sampson.
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Thu Mar-29-07 09:43 PM
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1. It's ironic isn't it... |
The piece of shit Sampson (lawyer) getting grilled by real lawyers (who happen to be Democrats and he falls to pieces.
If these CNN talking heads think that they were mean to poor, poor Sampson even hostile.....hmph wonder what they would think if Gitmo tactics were used against him? Just sayin....
Cowards and Idiots.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:50 AM
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