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I could only handle a small bit of these hearings

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
blues90 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-29-07 11:21 PM
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I could only handle a small bit of these hearings
Don't get CSPAN 3 so I saw some of the rerun tonight .

I knew well that there was inept people and crooks and liars behind this criminal government , actually it is to the point where I cannot call this a government , we have not had one of these in years .

Just as I watch the layers being pealed away to just barely begin to reach the rotten core , I am sickened to no end by what is curdling out .

Much of the focus the last 6 years has been placed on bush and cheney , rummy and rice and rove seemed to crawl out later on in their grand game of high crimes involving mass murder all the way across the spectrum to eat up and destroy the very fabric of our economy and rights and laws . Those who worked behind the scenes are now just beginning to be exposed .

I have but one thought here to express .

If these people who are so very vile and insidious crept into our lives then can this be the basic mindset of many americans who have also gone for the gold reguardless of who or what they have destroyed in their quest for fortune . I don't simply refer to huge corporations but all the way down the food chain , right down to the small business owner who does now leap on the low wage bandwagen despite the harm done to the average worker .

To me they have all become one in the same , as a thief gets away with a crime and others follow their example . This is not to say all people are corrupt but many more find this path acceptable .

Now to have to go back and relive all of this horror and to a depth we have never seen is almost for me , unbearable . You knew but not really how rotten this has been .
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DCKit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-29-07 11:27 PM
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1. Yikes, that's how I feel about people who shop at Wal-Mart
Yeah, cheap prices on stuff you don't need, but what's going to happen when ALL the other stores are closed and WallyWorld is the only game within two hours?
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NJCher Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-30-07 03:59 AM
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2. you know it, blues90
We have seen the enemy and it is us.

As a nation, the corruption has spread so far and wide it will be a wonder if we ever find our way back.

I wish everyone could read your interpretation of what you saw on television today. Sadly, too many people are oblivious to the fact that there even were hearings.


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