and put aside their childish, cheap, completely unworthy theatrics. Time for them to grow the #### up. Time waits for no one.
2 quick google grabs on Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, their brilliant, deep, awe inspiring leader:
January 31, 2007
Christian Defense Coalition Takes Credit for Declining Murder Rate in DC
Last summer, when Washington, DC was suffering through a spate of murders, the Christian Defense Coalition responded by sponsoring “six days of around the clock prayer vigils under a large tent on the National Mall, from July 21 to July 26, seeking God to reduce the crime rate in the nation’s capital over the next six months.”
Following the week-long vigil, the CDC announced that “there were no murders in Washington” during that time period, but then issued a correction stating that there had actually been one.
Six months later, the CDC has returned to announce that its vigil was a rousing success:
The Christian Defense Coalition is delighted to report that there were 27% less murders in the final five months of 2006 compared with final five months of 2005.
The Coalition encourages churches across the nation to begin to reach out in public prayer regarding pressing social concerns facing their local communities.
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, comments, “The Christian Defense Coalition promised at the end of July we would announce the numbers concerning Washington, D.C.’s murder rate for the final five months of 2006. We are delighted to report, after a season of concentrated and regular prayer, there was drop in the murder rate of 27%.
CDC initially said it was seeking to reduce the “crime rate in the nation’s capital over the next six months,” though now it looks as if they have retroactively decided to cut it to five months – maybe because the DC murder rate in January is up 10% over last year.
Incidentally, Mahoney failed to note that the murder rate in DC has dropped every year since 2002 and has dropped 65% since its high in 1991.
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, sit down...
This is comical and sad all at once. Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney of the Christian Defense Coalition is upset that the US Secret Service is banning crosses from the President's inaugural parade route. Why would the Secret Service ban a religious symbol? They're not. It's just another example of the over-reaction of the Christian right to their perceived persecution (seriously, what are the odds that the Bush administration, of all people, would be anti-Christian?!?). The Secret Service is doing their job:
In a December 17 directive to the National Park Service, the Secret Service mandated that signs and placards along the inaugural parade route down Pennsylvania Avenue be made out of cardboard, poster board or cloth. They may be no more than three feet wide or 20 feet long.
The directive also prohibited folding chairs, bicycles and other structures, and displays "such as puppets, papier mache objects, coffins, crates, crosses, theaters, cages and statues."
As you can see, they're clearly not banning crosses, they're banning large objects that assassins could hide behind, or that could be used to conceal a weapon.
(snip/...) they are sprawling on the ground, taking up the sidewalk needed by serious people, someone should go ahead and lob a Bible in there so they can use their time to review the admonition made by Jesus Christ, posted by a DU'er earlier in this thread, concerning the wisdom and appropriateness of doing one's praying in private so it's between you and your god, instead of making a sideshow of yourself in public trying to look more pious than the wicked, lesser people around you.
It's as plain as the nose on their grubby faces: if they are doing it to be seen, they are not actually attempting to communicate with some higher power, they are actually attempting to send messages to the passersby about their superiority. That's simply dishonest.
Who the hell do they think are the people who SHOULD take that admonition seriously?