Edited on Fri Mar-30-07 02:04 AM by tom_paine
The US Attorneys scandal, it now appears, provides a conduit into the dark heart of the criminal network that has been dismantling our nation from within, doing as the Soviets before them and replacing all key positions with Republic Party Comrades, your Loyal Bushies.
Here are just a few of the neon arrows pointing to an organization which is openly unAmerican in it's intent to violate the Founding Father's most basic tenet (one of 'em, anyway), which is that the law shall be as evenhanded as humanly possible, and not bending to the whims of a Royal or One-Party Control:
Joseph P. Rich @ DOJ- Civil Rights blows whistle on naked Loyal Bushie attempt to use Civil Rights Division as a bludgeon to poor minorities while at the same time turning a blind eye to many Loyal Bushie infractions on those same people, the poor and those who can't fight back. Back to pre-1964 with us.
The Abramoff USA replacement. The tobacco case tanking. Oh, and here's a new on in LBN. Loyal Bushie Jeffrey Taylor purposely tanks case which allows $100,000,000 in stolen US Public Treasury dollars to go back to the LOYAL BUSHIE TAX THIEF who stole it in the first place AND HAD ALREADY ADMITTED GUILT IN COURT!
Loyal Bushie operation MO...fits it to a tee. Means. Motive. Opportunity.
I wonder how many of the 100+ RICO Predicates describe the operation in the Loyal Bushies on multiple fronts to subvert and reverse the original purpose of DOJ, the way a Mafia organization bores into a union and corrupts and reverses it's original intent and purpose?
THAT is what is at the heart of Attorneygate: Trying to alter the Justice System and turn it into a Loyal Bushie organization, like the Soviets and so many other countries, all of whom were tyrannies, have done.
This is the tip of a MEGA-HUGE scandal that connects a series of smaller scandals into a larger-picture that is borderline treasonous.
So...I ask you DU: If the investigations warrant it, should the Busheviks and the current leadership at the RNC, gwb43.com and the rest, be indicted as a RICO organization(s)?
TO AVOID ALL POSSIBILITY OF CONFUSION ABOUT WHAT I AM ASKING HERE: This thread does NOT advocate making the Republic Party illegal or any other nonsense. That would be vile, totalitarian and WHOLLY unAmerican. All this thread is suggesting is that the criminals who have committed RICO violations should be investigated, indicted, and convicted if the evidence warrants it. This by default will give the honest Republicans a chance to resume the now vacated leadership positions by default, just as if anyone got convicted of a felony, no matter what party they belonged to, they'd be fired and their job now open. I say again. This thread does NOT advocate making the Republic Party illegal or any other nonsense.
The Eagle needs BOTH wings to fly!
PS any relevant information from legal and law enforcement professionals who actually KNOW what and how RICO works would be GREATLY APPRECIATED.