SOP for Blue Cross in dealing with claims:
Tyler Durden
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Fri Mar-30-07 06:15 AM
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SOP for Blue Cross in dealing with claims: |
This came from a staffer; you won't find it in any of their procedure manuals:
When a claim is sent through from a physician for payment for the first time: CIRCULAR FILE.
You heard right, kids. Throw away the first claim.
And anyone wonders why eliminating "Health INSURANCE Carriers" would not be a WONDERFUL THING?
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Fri Mar-30-07 06:19 AM
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1. Those of us in health care have know this for over 20 years. |
First time your claim goes in, the ins companies trash it. They make you file over and over again. If you are lucky you might get paid for the work you have done. We are indentured servants to the insurance companies.
Tyler Durden
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Fri Mar-30-07 06:24 AM
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2. Even when we're certain this happens, it still boggles the mind. |
We have raised an entire generation of people that if their hand is not under the hammer, they don't care whose is.
(1000+ posts)
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Fri Mar-30-07 06:46 AM
Response to Reply #2 |
3. Bush did not come to power in a vacuum, he is a reflection of the American people. |
Where greed and power has become the only thing that matters.
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Fri Mar-30-07 07:31 AM
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I didn't know this! When did you find this out?
Tyler Durden
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Fri Mar-30-07 10:18 AM
Response to Reply #4 |
5. A person who was employed by BCBS of Michigan. |
Started in Coding, went to billing and had to enforce the management's "unwritten rules."
She went back into nursing: she said emptying bedpans in a nursing home was less nauseating.
AdBot (1000+ posts) |
Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:45 AM
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