See? You CAN find tidbits favorable to the common good in a wingnut source: (whole item) from the oldest wingnut in the world named "Cindy".
January 22, 2007 -- THE sun is not shining on Bush at Sundance.
Charles Ferguson's anti- Iraq-war documentary, based on 200 hours of footage, a tale of incompetence and venality, chronicles Iraq's descent into guerilla war, criminality and anarchy. "
No End in Sight," which premieres tomorrow, arrives armed with heavy-duty artillery. A trifecta of
one-time senior administration officials address the festival's panel to
support this film the very morning Dubya addresses his State of the Union.
Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, who served as Colin Powell's chief-of-staff until Gen. Powell left as secretary of state in 2005, will speak via satellite from D.C. The panel includes Gen. Jay Garner, who oversaw Iraq's occupation through May 2003, and Barbara Bodine, our ambassador in charge of Baghdad when we went in. Former Bushies,
all will systematically trash Bush's decisions, which have so far caused
3,000 (and counting) American deaths, left at least
20,000 American wounded and at costs that could reach
$2 trillion - with
no end in sight.