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DU's Demopedia makes into Eric Alterman's blog today.

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sinkingfeeling Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-30-07 02:02 PM
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DU's Demopedia makes into Eric Alterman's blog today.

Name: Sam G
Hometown: Rockville, MD

Mr. A,

One can wonder if one reason Politico is so Bushy and Drudgy is that it's owned by a big Bush fan from a family of big Bush fans. He's Robert Albritton, whose family owned the old Washington Star, still has a bunch of TV stations, and who was CEO of the late Riggs Bank before the bank pleaded guilty to laundering millions of dollars for Chile's late dictator Augusto Pinochet, Prince Bandar and other rich Saudis, and crooked officials of Equatorial Guinea. Riggs Bank paid a $16 million fine and was sold two years ago. President George W.'s uncle, Jonathan Bush, was in charge of Riggs' investment arm, according to the Demopedia website, and Bush knew the Albrittons well enough to wave at Robert's father during his inauguration parade and yell, "Hey Joe, how are you?" Joe Albritton was a Bush fundraiser and donated a portrait of Ronald Reagan that hangs in the White House.(See NYTimes 3/10 and 3/30/05 +

OK, Sam, who are here?
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