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Have any of you TV Media Watchers like me seen "Fair & Balanced Coverage" of the Weeks Events in DC?

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KoKo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-30-07 05:32 PM
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Have any of you TV Media Watchers like me seen "Fair & Balanced Coverage" of the Weeks Events in DC?
Edited on Fri Mar-30-07 05:38 PM by KoKo01
I turned off Tweety (which had Mike Barnacle filling in for Tweety Rehab) and I watched Blitzer for a bit of the "COUNTDOWN TO IRAQ INVASION" and some FLUFF...and then went to NPR with Lehrer and got Judy Woodruff WHORING like she did when she was on CNN and turned that off...and I finally came back to the "Internets" and checked out Josh Marshall and "Think Progress" and "DU" to find the REAL NEWS.


Was I too Hasty? Did ANY DU'er looking for RECAP of Senate Hearings (Gonzales) and other "Progressive News" find that there was very "little" out there?

Did you find it get's worse the more Bush is in trouble or should I be adjusting my :tinfoilhat: that the MSM from Jay Carney (apologist for Chimp on "Hardball"} and Blitzer's (CNN's skilled Meme about Ramping up WAR WITH IRAN}, and NPR's SYCHOPANTIC portrayal of the "WEEK IN WASHINGTON" left you "cold?"

It's really hard on a FRIDAY NIGHT for those working all week who just want a "RE-CAP" that's "Fair and Balanced" to find something to watch while you cook dinner and try to as "normal Americans" find out what happened after you WORKED YOUR BUTT OFF ALL WEEK and had NO TIME TO CHECK THE get REAL INFO AND TRUTH!

:shrug: Maybe I'm just "out of it ...or something" but I don't see how AVERAGE AMERICANS get NEWS these days that's "Fit to PRINT" and gives them a CLUE about what's GOING ON!!!!

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rebel with a cause Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-30-07 09:28 PM
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1. Do not watch any MSM news.
except for Countdown and Daily Show. Also watch Colbert, but that is technically not a news show, but an opinion show.

Don't even know what is happening in the towns around me, because I refuse to waste my time on these propaganda laden pieces of misinformation. I get all my news from the net.
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