& Gilchrist, once the largest law firm in Dallas, has admitted promoting fraudulent tax shelters and will pay the Internal Revenue Service $76 million and go out of business, the IRS and the U.S. attorney in New York announced Thursday.
Dallas-based Jenkens – which at its peak in 2001 had more than 600 lawyers, including 263 here – will cease operations as a law firm on Saturday, although it will continue as a legal entity while it wraps up its affairs.
U.S. Attorney Michael J. Garcia said
the Justice Department has agreed not to prosecute the firm in exchange for its "acceptance of responsibility for developing and marketing fraudulent tax shelters" and its agreement to cooperate as the investigation into the tax shelters continues. The deal doesn't protect any individuals at Jenkens connected to the tax shelters.
"Jenkens & Gilchrist lawyers designed, sold, implemented and provided legal opinions for illegal tax shelters. These fraudulent cookie-cutter shelters purported to generate well over a billion dollars in tax losses and eliminate hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes owed by wealthy clients," Mr. Garcia said.
---------------------- & Gilchrist
Jenkens & Gilchrist was the number 15 contributor to the Bush 2000 presidential campaign ($105,450). Jenkens & Gilchrist is a Texas-based law firm. They got around the federal $1,000 limit on individual contributions by “bundling” contributions supposedly from employees