Just had my eyes opened, again... and it is not a pretty sight. The massive co-ordination involved to subdue the public -- through the sponsored media, and contrived economic situations -- has evinced itself in the greatest crime/s of the last millennium. A perceived imprisonment within our own borders. The harnessing of a weak-kneed House and Senate over the last 12 years has rendered us far too close to powerless. Yet we are told over and over that we live in the bastion of freedom and democracy.
This is NOT the accomplishment of of a "simple-minded" chimp.
Through apathy, coercion, intimidation and corruption, we are now beset with the most evil threat to a once and future democracy. We are prisoners of our own executive branch of government -- one that has no respect for its citizens, or for that matter, any other mitigating branches of government designed to protect its citizens. We know that we are being had, but we are hoping against hope that we can talk our way out of it.
This upcoming year is our trial. As a whole, we will be tested to determine if our mettle is worthy of survival. The intentional division of this country into R's and D's must to a large extent be overcome. The troops that can carry this movement to fruition are the 90% of us that comprise America. A very diverse "middle" class. And as a whole we must shun the debauchery this regime -- and its corporate sponsors -- has enjoyed.
The huge rift between us is more of an illusion than we care to admit. It has been carefully sculpted to have us disparage each other in order to exert force over a despairing populace. If we concentrate our energies against one another, who benefits? Who is it that can weather an economic downturn? a natural disaster? a failed Social Security blanket? an endless war?
So saddle up. Not you here at DU -- you are ready to carry this battle to its outcome. Saddle up your friends, your family, your neighbors, for the incredibly important ride as we herd the cats... into the pride that takes America back. We stand on ground that trembles as truths and lies expose the magnitude of our sleep. I want my children to be more than than serfs. More than security guards. I want smiles on their faces -- and a world of possibilities at their fingertips. We owe them that.
This was my catalyst -- please read the story here: