Bill does a passable job with the band. That night, he earned the right to play "cool guy with the shades" because he delivered. There weren't any clams, his pitch was OK, and he didn't try to overreach. In short, he didn't embarrass himself because he can jam!
Remember Kerry doing the same thing on the campaign trail in '04? Well John isn't bad either. In fact, he was actually in a band, because John can jam!
And of course, there's Rep. John Hall who played with ORLEANS and cowrote the hit song "Still the One". He can definitely jam!
I've been a drummer for 30+ years and I have played with alot of fantastic musicians. What I've learned is that some people can jam, and some people can't.
These boys can't jam!*video: the Mighty Eagles Soar! from ship to shining shore! 2+2 is 4! Wow! It's just like Cole Porter!
video: it up funny boy. You're goin' DOWN!
I got nothing. This just writes itself.
video: Tony baby, no offense and I sincerely do hope you recover, but you can't jam either. Your pitch is all over the place and you don't know how to slow down and listen. Maybe this is an off night.
video: of course, it helps if you know the words to the song when sending men off to fight for it (Roseanne, you're hereby vindicated):
*In the interest of fairness...Yes, Condi can perhaps she should pursue a career as a concert pianist instead?