"U.S. Aircrew Detained in China Heads Home":
http://www.defenselink.mil/news/Apr2001/n04122001_200104121.htmlhttp://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&q=china+detained+americans+airplane+april+2001The outcome of that incident - which was drowned out months later by 9/11 - could provide a template for how the Iran matter might resolve peacefully.
China could play a very constructive role here, if the Bush and Blair foreign policy teams let it. For example, China could offer to conduct a modern survey of the narrow Shatt-al-Arab, and/or provide a system of high-tech markers to prevent future "misunderstandings," a diplomatic term of art that would allow all involved to save face.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shatt_Al_ArabHaving detained a Western crew that "strayed" into its territory, China has the chops and props to speak to Iran from the heart, West-tweaker to West-tweaker: "you've made your point, and the only place for this to go on CNN from here is war graphics and 24-hour coverage of smart bombs dropping."
- Dave