Again, I understand why the 'burbs don't want high density housing in their backyards, but it really isn't a community unless you have kids around and public places for them to converge, mingle and meet. What generally happens is that low income housing places get a rep. Even if they're good people, if they come from "that" subdivision or go to "that" feeder school, well, you're just not really someone who gets access to the important people.
And, you keep raising the real estate prices and what you find is exactly what a devious City Mgr figured out. Why spend money on parks and recreation, when in eight years there won't be a big enough population of young families around to enjoy them? It's already happening in Florida. Young, struggling families are going to N.C. where the amenities are much better. Here in Florida we have the curse of the Coral Gables development. Too many private developers who were allowed to build below public standards. No sidewalks, narrow streets, common grounds which are getting adversely possessed. At least Coral Gables has that natural spring pool and wonderful hotel where people can meet. But every where else, it's the kids who are getting cheated.
Please, please Clintons, real estate development is our nightmare. It's a mafia organization. They build houses, not communities.