Who was the reporter that asked gates the question:
... "whether a congressional resolution criticizing Bush's plan would offer the insurgents new hope."
and when he answered:
"It's pretty clear that a resolution that in effect says that the general going out to take command of the arena shouldn't have the resources he thinks he needs to be successful certainly emboldens the enemy and our adversaries," Gates said Friday.
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070127/ap_on_go_ca_st_pe/us_iraqWhat they are effectively accusing those in Congres who don't agree with the president is treason.
What they are effectively saying is anyone who critisizes this administration is committing treason.
For six damn years Congress has laid down and let the administration do what they wanted. Congress refused to do their job of oversight. WILL IT BE DIFFERENT THIS TIME?
It would be nice to hear them call those bastards out on this...
There are no WMDs in Iraq, Saddam is gone, and Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, yet we are told by this administration we cannot leave until we win, though NO ONE ASKS THEM WHAT WINNING IS.
The first president bush critisizes the so-called media for being so harsh on his son. Funny how I don't recall any critisim of this administration after 9/11. Only now after an election in which the public dissatisfaction is starting to come out do we hear anything critical.
This administration signs bills, and then says the bills do not apply to HIS administration.
Pelosi indicates that she wants to work with the republicans, there were 72 ammendments tacked onto a minimum wage bill by the republicans so it wouldn't get passed. Remember when the wonderful gang of Democrats compromised with the republicans so the "nuclear" option wouldn't get invoked, and the tradition of filibuster would remain? That is what the republican party is effectively doing, filibustering the American worker.
Pelosi said impeachment is "off the table". What if investigations lead to criminal activities within this administration, is it still off the table? What kind of message would that send?
The Democrats do not have much time to do their job of oversight.