Stanley Campbell Print this page
I was a gung-ho soldier when I enlisted in February 1969, back when most soldiers were drafted. Thought the Vietnam War was just, and I wanted to be patriotic (and the G.I. bill looked pretty good—it put me through Rock Valley College).
The Army sent me to Germany, but I volunteered for Vietnam. Took me four months to realize my mistake. I followed orders and tried to do a good job (which was easy—I was a clerk). Had a “short-timer’s calendar” and counted down the days until I would return to the “world” (home).
Upon return, I joined with other veterans and marched against the war. We caught our government leaders flatfooted. Rarely do soldiers return from a war and march against their government.
Now here’s a little-known fact: there were soldiers who protested the war while they were in the military!
It’s all brought out in a new documentary called Sir! No Sir!. Using amazing archival footage and photographs, the film chronicles servicemen protesting and even refusing duty in Vietnam. And even while in Vietnam, refusing to go into combat! That is mutiny, and in some circles, could warrant immediate execution.