Article from Talk To Action...
Rick Warren To Address Anti-Gay, "Jewish" Breakaway Anglicans. Again.
By Bruce Wilson
Rick Warren typically denies holding public positions that might be characterized as hateful but he nonetheless endorses and supports African clerics, such as Peter Akinola and Henry Orombi, who promote extreme forms of anti-gay and anti-Jewish bigotry. According to a September 2, 2007, UPI story, Nigerian Anglican Bishop Isaac Orama, under the jurisdiction of Akinola, declared that "Homosexuality and lesbianism are inhuman. Those who practice them are insane, satanic and are not fit to live because they are rebels to God's purpose for man." Archbishop Peter Akinola has endorsed proposed legislation that would strip Nigeria's gays of basic human rights and is more severe than analogous criminal codes implemented during Adolf Hitler's pre-World War Two Third Reich. Not to be outdone, Henry Orombi has claimed, in a June 13, 2007 public address in Uganda, that "Acts of homosexuality and lesbianism have infiltrated our schools, especially secondary schools." The Archbishop went on to declare that he has "personally joined the war" against the alleged 'invasion', which Orombi associated with the "moral decay of society." Orombi's statements about the alleged threat have included the suggestion that gay assassins might be plotting to kill him.
But, there's more; the GAFCON Anglicans now seem to have taken up the position that they are "Jews" and "true Israel."
In March 2008 Purpose Driven Life author and global evangelist Rick Warren, pastor of the 20,000 member Saddleback Church in Southern California, traveled to Africa and, as reported in a March 29 story, addressed the schismatic 'global South' Anglicans of GAFCON, headed by African Archbishops Peter Akinola and Henry Orombi; ' "Dr Warren said that homosexuality is not a natural way of life and thus not a human right. "We shall not tolerate this aspect at all." ' Then, in early April 2009, Warren was caught lying about his endorsement of Proposition Eight, an anti-gay marriage resolution on the ballot in California during the November 2008 election. Now, as detailed in an April 23, 2009 story published by Christian Today, Rick Warren plans to meet this summer, in June, with a new breakaway American Episcopalian faction that has aligned with the GAFCON Anglicans.