Thanks to Republicans...
We fire translators because they are gay. dismissed a memo that said Osama was determined to strike. methods of gathering intelligence don't matter to Republicans and Neoconservatives.
We could easily improve the efficiency of our translations if DADT was scrapped and openly gay people were allowed to serve.
You don't see the Republicans in a rush to do this though, why?
It's time to stop believing in the lie that neoconservatism is some movement of ex-liberals, it is not.
This is the kind of intelligence-gathering that matters to them.
Torture was used to "find" a link between Iraq and Al Qaeda. is the ideology of the "noble lie". Victory for these people is more important than the truth.
Don't look at PNAC as the example of what Neoconservatism is.
Instead look at:
Warrantless wiretapping
The White House Iraq Group
The Office of Special Plans
John Yoo and his ilk committed more damage to our methods of intelligence gathering as much as any spy did, and that is another reason why they should not be allowed to go unpunished.