March was cold and rainy - so was much of april :-( Still, I have some things to watch grow, and things I learned (the hard way).
From left to right:
Bed 1
potatoes I just "piled up" heaping soil around the plants so they are deeper inside if you will. Learning point: you really DO need 35 -40 inch between the rows or it becomes hard...
Bed 2
- spinach in various states of development - front ones I started in the greenhouse, at same time as sowing the other ones. Kind of surprising to see the front does better, but the nights have been cold for long... They must be like 5 weeks now, will harvest some leaves of each plant (should be able to do that 3 times). Should have taken new zealand spinach, easier to cultivate and spreads itself out.
- a small bed of radish which is ready (leaves are rather high, should have thinned a bit more) and a fresh seed bed next to it. Aside the radish, chervil, can't see it though.
- behind it with the dark green leaves: Rucola or nut lettuce or rocket salad (literal, unsure of the english name). They are going nicely BUT you do NOT plant them like regular lettuce - should be kept in rows or they shoot up too much. Oh well :-) All kinds of lettuce is what I'll be sowing regularly anyway so as to keep that half bed filled.
- behind that, regular lettuce. Ate the first yesterday, can't find tender salad like that in the stores. Have to use pellets against snails which have really become a problem round here. All the lettuce crops come kind of at once - gonna look into (cold?) salad soup and gonna make some neighbors / family happy.
Bed 3:
- in front, chive. Wow have they grown since last year. It's flowering, looks nice but think it's not as good for the taste. Behind it, oregano, mediterranean herb. It's spreading even faster, already gave half to a neighbor. Under the small drape: parsley, attempt 2. germinates really slowly, helps if you presoak them for a day at room temp. Behind that, covered with anti cat netting, more chervil. Want to have enough for soup, but the germination :-/ Gonna redo it in the greenhouse I think. Behind: 3 rows of leek. Not happy about how they are doing - think I closed the deep planting holes too soon. Last year, I didn't plant them deep at all. Thus, hardly any white part :-)
- aside of the leek: a row of onions, also on side of next bed, challots. Onion type plants are good against leek fly and carrot fly. Tried some insect netting - see the sad hoops - but cats and netting = fun and frolics. Love 'em but they seem to especially like leek, to lie on and poo between. Cats will do more dmg jumping on the tunnel nets than the flies so byebye nets. Next year, cat fence.
bed 4:
- in front, sorrel - a great addition to mashed potatoes. Needs to be more though.
- behind it, tarragon, to flavour vinegar and for real béarnaise sauce of course.
- rest: attempt 2 at carrots (under drapes). Attempt one is in the back of the row, no carrot sprouts to be seen but the weed was happy under the drapes, meh.
Behind it all: 5 berry bushes (red, green and white) that will (I hope) cover the ugly wall and yield more jam input material.
The strange color of the "pathway" grass in front is because I sprayed it - want that gone as it's a perfect start for weeds. Plus, better half wants things to look more tidy back here.
Next up, greenhouse (and 2 chickens besides and behind it). I should chalk the panes to avoid excessive heat. But look at my clean windows first!
Will not go into detail as by now nobody is still reading. Yes, that is a really stupid place for a rhubarb. Love 'em with sugar and raisins in it, gonna try jam as well. No pie experience here at home ;-) Planted tomatoes on the right are finally de-stressing (stem color no longer purple). Say nothing of the lettuce jungle to the left!
The styrofoam containers for sowing I got from local fish merchant, he was happy to get rid of some.
And finally, a look at the other small plot I started - since the neighbor is a young woman living alone, she didn't want to tend to the orchard or the plot of land. Well hellloo new garden :D
Pear and apple trees, and behind it 2 beds of early potatoes, 1 bed of late potatoes, 2 rows of leek (planted better and a bit later as well, the difference shows) with another cat-treated insect netting tunnel. A bed of peas that are an inch up and a bed of salsify to finish. Cucumbers and pumpkin can play in the back, seedlings out in greenhouse.
The REAL neat rows you can discern in the back is the garden of my 80 year old neighbor. Gardening 65 years vs. my umm 2...well suffice to say I spend a lot of time either talking to him over there or stealing with my eyes :-). We also share seedlings, you always have too many.
PS very few things compare to the joy of watching nature unfold the miracle of growth. About one fifth if that of my garden time is ummm non-leaning.